Crafted Insights

PR x Affiliate Marketing: A Winning Formula

PR x Affiliate Marketing: A Winning Formula

Chocolate and peanut butter. Popcorn and a movie. Tuesdays and Tacos. Some things just go together and make each other better.  That’s also true of marketing functions. Ideally, no marketing function exists in a vacuum; an impactful program should be integrated and synergistic, with tactics working together and amplifying each other.  As public relations (PR) continues to evolve, it has...

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How PR Pros Can Leverage AI 

How PR Pros Can Leverage AI 

Public relations professionals are no strangers to the ever-changing media landscape and the need to keep up with technological advances. How PR pros operate looks different than it did ten or even five years ago. As AI continues to evolve, publicists have the opportunity to leverage AI and stay ahead of the curve. My Crafted colleague tackled the question of whether generative AI is a friend or...

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Mastering B2B Executive Thought Leadership

Mastering B2B Executive Thought Leadership

Business-to-business (B2B) thought leadership isn’t always the most glamorous and doesn't garner a ton of fanfare, but it can be one of the most valuable elements of a communications program, if done right. Thought leadership, while a vague term that can be interpreted in many different ways, comes down to using insights and expertise to establish an authentic, forward-thinking voice for a...

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Agility in PR: What to Do When Breaking News Impacts Your Launch 

Agility in PR: What to Do When Breaking News Impacts Your Launch 

We’ve all been there: months spent planning, perfecting messaging, training spokespeople, coordinating with vendors – and just as you’re ready to share the fruits of your labor with the world – something happens. Whether it’s an incident that causes a local swell of fury in the city in which you’re planning an activation, an unexpected moment in pop culture that gets everyone talking, or a...

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Landing (and managing) a feature story

Landing (and managing) a feature story

For communications professionals, feature stories can be our white whales - relentlessly pursued but just-out-of-reach. Often running longer than a page, a feature story is distinguished by the fact that the majority of the story will focus on your brand / client. Sounds great right? Of course, we all would love to see that type of spotlight shine on a client we love and believe in. Here are 5...

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What’s Up with Substack 

What’s Up with Substack 

Fostering meaningful relationships with journalists is an integral part of any brand’s media relations program. In the crowded inboxes of reporters today, it’s no surprise that media relationships can make all the difference when it comes to breaking through to a reporter with client stories and news.   One way to establish and nurture these relationships is by tuning into writers on...

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